Beaver | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Location, Perfect Pelt, Crafting Materials | PrimeWikis (2025)

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Beaver | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Location, Perfect Pelt, Crafting Materials | PrimeWikis (1)The Red Dead Redemption 2 Beaver is a medium-sized mammal featured in the video game published by Rockstar Games for PS4 and Xbox One.

Unlike other mammals, such asAmerican Badgers or Armadillos, for example; theNorth American Beavers are quite important when it comes to crafting; because the parts obtained from skinningcan be used for a large number of items.

Inhabiting only several locations from the game (as shown on our map below), theBeavers can be found near rivers where they build shelters.

Red Dead Redemption II also includes a legendary variation of this animal species. Our hunting guide below explains what weapons and ammo you should use when hunting this animal.

You can attempt to hunt your first Beaver, as soon as you reach Horseshoe Overlook at the beginningof the second chapter.

Furthermore, you can see the complete list of crafting materials you can gather from a North American Beaver, and how to use them properly.


“The North American Beaver can be found along the Kamassa River in Roanoke. Its herbivorous diet consists of tree bark, cambium, roots, buds, and water plants. A Varmint Rifle is the ideal weapon for hunting beavers. Beaver scent glands, skin and fat can all be used for crafting.”

General Information

Animal Family:Aplodontidae
Scientific Name:Castor Canadensis
Variations:Legendary Beaver
Similar Animals:Coyote, Fox, Pig

North American Beaver Location & Habitat

North American Beaver Hunting Spots

Recommended Hunting Weapons & Ammo

The table below features the best Red Dead Redemption 2 weapons and ammo choices for scoringperfect quality kills on North American Beavers.

Weapon Type:Ammo:
Poison Arrow
ThrowableThrowing Knife
Poison Throwing Knife
Split Point
High Velocity
Split Point
High Velocity
Sniper (Scoped) RifleRegular
Split Point
High Velocity

North American Beaver Parts & Crafting Materials

Depending on the quality of your kill you can obtain the following crafting materials and parts. These parts can be sold (see the price table below); or used at the Trapper, Fence or for Camp Upgrades.

Material:Sell Price:Kill Quality:
Perfect Beaver Carcass$5.25Perfect
Good Beaver Carcass$3.15Good
Poor Beaver Carcass$2.10Poor
Stringy Meat$0.25Any
Scent Glands$0.25Any
Animal Fat$0.25Any
Perfect Beaver Fur$2.50Perfect
Good Beaver Fur$1.50Good
Poor Beaver Fur$1.00Poor
Legendary Beaver Carcass$19.00Any
Legendary Beaver ToothCan’t be soldAny
Legendary Beaver Pelt$18.00Poor

Beaver Meat Cooking Recipes

With the meat you obtain from any RDR2 Beaver; you can cook the following recipe.

This cooking recipe requires a cooking fire available when you set your camp.

Recipe Name:Ingredient(s):Effect:
Plain Stringy MeatStringy Meat x1Slightly restores all Cores

RDR2 Beaver Crafting Guide

When you successfully kill aNorth American Beaver; you can use the parts obtained from skinning as crafting materials.

Take them to the locations listed below in order to craft unique items.

Location:Item Name:Cost:Required Materials:
TrapperBeaver Roping Saddle$96.00Perfect Beaver Pelt
Beaver Mountain Hat$28.00Perfect Beaver Pelt
Country Vest$25.00Perfect Buck Pelt, Perfect Beaver Pelt
Grenadier Hat$24.00Perfect Muskrat Pelt, Perfect Beaver Pelt
Legendary Beaver Flop Hat$22.00Legendary Beaver Pelt, Legendary Boar Pelt, Cardinal Feather
Beaver Hunting Jacket$21.00Perfect Cow Hide, Perfect Beaver Pelt x2
Raccoon Mountain Hat$21.00Perfect Raccoon Pelt, Perfect Beaver Pelt, Hawk Feather x2
Beaver Drifter Hat$20.00Perfect Beaver Pelt x2
Legendary Beaver Cavalry Gloves$18.00Legendary Beaver Pelt
Arthur’s CampFire ArrowFreeArrow x1, Animal Fat x1, Flight Feather x1
Volatile DynamiteFreeAnimal Fat x1, Dynamite x1, High-Velocity Cartridge x1
Volatile Fire BottleFreeAnimal Fat x1, Moonshine x1
Fire BottleFreeAnimal Fat x1, Gin, Guarma Rum, Fine Brandy or Kentucky Bourbon x1
Explosive CartridgeFreeExpress Cartridge x1, Animal Fat x1
Explosive SlugFreeRegular Shotgun Shell x1, Animal Fat x1
Predator BaitFree1x Stringy Meat, 1x Wintergreen, Evergreen, Huckleberry, Raspberry or Blackberry
FenceBeaver Tooth Trinket$18.25Legendary Beaver Tooth
Camp (Pearson)Campfire Seat CoverFreePerfect Beaver Pelt, Perfect Muskrat Pelt, Perfect Fox Pelt
Valuables SatchelDonate 50$ at the gang’s boxPerfect Deer Pelt, Perfect Beaver Pelt, Perfect Rabbit Pelt

Hunting Tips

The first Beaver location you should check when trying to hunt a perfect (3 stars) exemplar is Lake Owanjila. Approach the lake’s shore slowly and activate Arthur’s Eagle Eye to spot the animals around you.

If you can’t find any Beaver, try usingHerbivore Bait.

By far, the Varmint Rifle is the best weapon for Beaver Hunting in Red Dead Redemption 2. A headshot using Dead Eye will guarantee a perfect kill, and if the exemplar has 3 stars, a perfect pelt.

Did you manage to hunt this animal in Red Dead Redemption 2? Share your hunting tips in the comments section and don’t forget to follow us onFacebook,Twitter, andInstagramfor more gaming news, guides, walkthroughs, and trailers.

Beaver | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Location, Perfect Pelt, Crafting Materials | PrimeWikis (3)


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Beaver | Red Dead Redemption 2 | Location, Perfect Pelt, Crafting Materials | PrimeWikis (2025)
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