Thinking of Colored Contacts for Halloween? Here’s Why You Should Be Cautious (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Non-prescription colored contact lenses can lead to serious eye infections or damage.
  • Poorly fitting lenses or those made with unsafe materials can block oxygen to the cornea, leading to complications like swelling or inflammation.
  • To safely wear colored contact lenses, consult an eye care professional, follow proper hygiene practices, and only purchase FDA-approved lenses from reputable retailers.

Colored contact lenses might complete your spooky Halloween look, but they could damage your eyes, experts say.

“I advise against non-prescription colored contact lenses for Halloween as I have seen a number of corneal abrasions or scratches resulting from their use,” Miel Sundararajan, MD, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Washington School of Medicine, told Verywell in an email.

Sundararajan said these cases can progress into more severe infections, some even resulting in blindness.

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What Are the Risks of Colored Contact Lenses?

Non-prescription colored contact lenses often lack the necessary sterility and proper fit, according to Ashley Brissette, MD, MSC, an ophthalmologist and cataract surgeon based in New York. This can lead to serious eye infections like keratitis, an inflammation of the cornea caused by bacteria or fungi.

Improperly fitting contact lenses may result in corneal abrasions (a scratch or scrape on the surface of your cornea), which may cause pain, redness, and even vision loss. Additionally, “some materials or dyes in these lenses may trigger allergic reactions, causing discomfort and inflammation,” Brissette told Verywell in an email.

She explained that the lenses may also block oxygen from reaching the cornea, potentially leading to complications like swelling or neovascularization, a condition where new blood vessels grow in the cornea.

Even wearing colored contact lenses for a short time increases the risk of complications, so it’s generally not recommended. “When it comes to your eyes and your vision, you want to minimize that risk as much as possible,” Brissette said.

While prescription colored contact lenses may be safer due to their custom fit and professional oversight, they still come with certain risks, according to Sundararajan.

Poor hygiene practices—such as sleeping, swimming, or showering while wearing contact lenses, failing to wash hands, or reusing contact lenses or solution improperly—can result in corneal abrasions or severe infections like corneal ulcers, Sundararajan added.

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How Can You Wear Colored Contact Lenses Safely?

If you decide to wear colored contact lenses, it’s important to take several precautions to protect your eye health, according to Thomas Stokkermans, OD, PhD, a medical reviewer at All About Vision.

  1. See a professional. Always have your contact lenses professionally fitted by a licensed eye care practitioner, Stokkermans said. They will ensure your vision is clear for activities like driving and reading and that the lenses fit properly to prevent discomfort and irritation.
  2. Follow proper instructions and usage guidelines. When you get new lenses, follow the instructions provided by your eye care professional, Stokkermans advised. This includes how to clean the lenses, how often to replace them, and following the recommended wearing schedule.
  3. Maintain hygiene: Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling your lenses. Use the recommended lens solution, and never clean or store lenses with water or saliva. Clean the lenses as directed and store them in fresh solution in a clean case, replacing the case every three months.
  4. Purchase safely: To buy colored contact lenses safely, visit an eye doctor for a fitting and prescription. Shop at reputable optical retailers or pharmacies, and only buy from trusted online stores that require prescriptions and provide safety certifications, Brissette said. If buying from costume shops, ensure the lenses are FDA-approved and include proper care instructions.

What to Do If You Experience Discomfort After Wearing Colored Contact Lenses

If you experience any discomfort or pain after wearing colored contact lenses, it’s important to monitor your symptoms. Go to an eye care professional if you notice the following:

  • Persistent redness that lasts more than a few hours or worsens
  • Ongoing pain, discomfort, or a gritty sensation in your eye, along with any discharge
  • Blurred vision
  • Increased sensitivity to light
  • Swelling of the eyelids

If you do not see an improvement within 24 hours after removing your lenses and using artificial tears, you should schedule an appointment with an optometrist or ophthalmologist.

“These practitioners are able to examine the eye with a specialized piece of equipment called a slit lamp, which provides important diagnostic information,” Sundararajan said.

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What This Means For You

While colored contact lenses can add to your Halloween costume, unapproved non-prescription lenses can pose serious risks to your eyes. Go to an eye care provider for proper fitting and only purchase lenses from trusted sources.

Thinking of Colored Contacts for Halloween? Here’s Why You Should Be Cautious (1)

By Alyssa Hui-Anderson
Hui-Anderson is a health news writer and former TV news reporter. She was the 2020 recipient of the Midwest Broadcast Journalists Association Jack Shelley Award.

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Thinking of Colored Contacts for Halloween? Here’s Why You Should Be Cautious (2025)
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